Chronological Ordinances

Chronological List of Ordinances
DateOrdinance NumberTitle
1/5/1962Ord. 48To Tax and License Foreign Fire Insurance Companies
9/91985Ord. 99Acquisition of Real Estate
3/10/1986Ord. 100Creating and Establishing the Position of Full-Time Fire Chief
3/10/1986Ord. 101Creating and Establishing a Fireman’s Pension Fund and Creating a Board of Trustees of Said Fireman’s Pension Fund
3/9/1987Ord. 87-1Adopting Wage and Salary Provisions for Employees of the Warrenville Fire Protection District
5/11/1987Ord. 87-3Adopting Fire Prevention Regulations for the Purpose of Governing Conditions Hazardous to Life and Property from Fire or Explosion and Establishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention
2/22/1989Ord. 90-1Establishing Certain Penalties for Failure to Properly Install and Maintain Fire Alarms and Life Saving Warning Device
6/12/1989Ord. 89-2Establishing a Fire Mutual Aid Response
7/8/1991Ord. 91-3Spiller Pay
10/19/1992Ord. 92-2Automatic Dialing Devices
2/8/1993Ord. 92-4Full-Time Probation period
2/8/1993Ord. 92-5POC Probation period
5/10/1993Ord. 93-2Fire Prevention
6/14/1993Ord. 93-3Amend Ord. 93-2: Alterations or repairs to existing structures
2/14/1994Ord. 94-2Amend Ord. 93-2: Fine for lack of Knox Box
2/14/1994Ord. 94-1Amend Ord. 93-2: Knox Box for new business
7/11/1994Ord. 94-4Prevailing Wage Rate
1/9/1995Ord. 95-1Inspection fees for new construction, alterations, suppression systems, and automatic alarm systems
2/13/1995Ord. 95-1AGeneral Ordinance and Rules and Regulations
4/10/1995Ord. 95-2Amend Ord. 94-1: Penalty for lack of Knox Box
11/13/1995Ord. 95-5Amend Ord. 95-1A: Vacation time for time personnel
2/12/1996Ord. 96-1Amend Ord. 93-2: Use of current edition of BOCA, Life Safety Code, and CABO One and Two Family Dwelling
3/21/1996Ord. 96-2 Amend Ord. 90-1: Revisions to Fire Prevention Code
3/20/1997Ord. 97-1Amend Ord. 95-1: Fees from Fire Prevention Bureau
6/14/1999Ord. 99-2Prohibiting the Solicitation & Acceptance of Gifts & Adopting the State Gift Ban Act
2/14/2000Ord. 00-02Spiller Pays Ord.
2/14/2000Ord. 00-01Hazardous Signage Ord.
8/14/2000Ord. 00-04Schedule for Fine for False Fire Alarms
9/24/2001Ord. 01-02Imposing Fees for Emergency Medical Transportation
1/14/2002Ord. 02-01Schedule for Fines for Inspection Violations
1/14/2002Ord. 02-02Adopting Fire Prevention & Building Codes
5/21/2002Ord. 02-03Amending 01-02 Fees for Emergency Medical Transportation
8/12/2002Ord. 02-05Amending Ordinance 93-5
6/15/2003Ord. 09-03Regulating Fireworks
3/8/2004Ord. 04-01Fees for Residential Plan Reviews
3/8/2004Ord. 04-02Fines for Resetting Activated Alarm Panels
5/10/2004Ord. 04-03Ethics Ordinance in Conformity
8/9/2004Ord. 04-04Approving the Sale by Public Auction of Property
9/11/2006Ord. 06-02Increasing Trustee Compensation
10/13/2008Ord  08-02Amending Previous Ordin. 97-1 Assessing Fees for FPB Functions
1/12/2009Ord 09-01Providing Additional Compensation to Trustees
5/11/2009Ord 09-02Authorizing MB Financial Note
12/16/2009Ord 09-06Fees in Response to Emergency Situations Requiring Specialize or Technical Rescue
12/16/2009Ord 09-07Spiller Pays
8/24/2011Ord 11-02Third-Party Inspection Reporting System
7/6/2012Ord 12-03Remote Participation at Board Mtgs
8/15/2012Ord 12-02Amending Ethics Ord in Conformity with PA 93-615 & PA93-617
9/19/2012Ord 12-043rd Party Inspection fines
1/28/2013Ord 13-01Amendment 08-02 Fire Prev Fees
1/28/2013Ord 13-02Amendment 00-02 Spiller Pays
3/20/2013Ord 13-03 Accounting fund balances (amending rules and regs)
1/21/2015Ord 15-01MABAS Box 
10/24/2015Ord 15-03IMRF adoption
8/17/2016Ord 16-03Amending EMS billing rates (01-02 and 02-03)
9/21/2016Ord 16-04Mitigation Rates, specialized and technical rescue
11/16/2016Ord 16-05Fire Prevention & Building Codes
5/12/2017Ord 17-03Establishing a 5 Member Board of Trustees
6/28/2017Ord 17-04Amendment Fire Prev Codes/BBQ & weeds
11/15/2017Ord 17-05Amendment to EMS Billing rates
11/15/2017Ord 17-06Amendment Schedule for false fire alarms
5/16/2018Ord 18-02Fire Code Amendments Amending Ord 16-05
11/21/2018Ord 18-04Amendment Fire Code Terminology Ord 18-02
12/19/2018Ord 18-05Public Question new tax – Referendum
2/20/2019Ord 19-01EMS Billing Amendments (Ord02-03)
2/16/2022Ord. 22-01Amending Ambulance Fees
4/20/2022Ord. 22-02Budget Appropriation FY23
10/19/2022Ord. 22-03Levy and Assess Tax
11/16/2022Ord. 22-04MABAS Master Agreement 2022
MABAS Mutual Agreement 2022 Copy
1/18/2023Ord. 23-01Budget Appropriation FY24
1/18/2023Res. 23-01Accepting of Credit Cards and Policy
5/17/2023Ord. 23-02Decennial Committee Efficiency Act 
5/15/2023Res. 23-02IAFPD Conference Proxy Agreement
5/23/2024Ord. 24-01Budget Appropriation FY24
10/23/2024Ord. 24-02Levy and Assess Tax
11/20/2024Ord. 24-03Amended Budget Appropriation FY24
11/20/2024Ord. 24-04Amending Ambulance Fees
11/20/2024Res. 24-01Board Meeting Dates
11/20/2024Res. 24-02Holidays 2025